Oct 29, 2019

Clinical Evaluation of AI medical image diagnostic software: The Importance of the Reference Standards


We’re pleased to announce that we will finaly issue our white paper, Micron’s ViewPoint for our English web site. We’re going to introduce you the latest trends of the medical imaging in the clinical trial. We appreciate we can show you our experiences and abilities in medical imagings.


Recent advances in AI technology have led to the development of a computer detection and diagnostic support systems equipped with AI in the field of image diagnosis. However, there are many challenges to the social implementation of CAD with AI, such as image data collection, clinical trials, and regulatory approval.

This time, we introduce the creation of reference standards for clinical trials of of intelligence decision support systems for diagnosis based on medical imaging , including CAD with AI.


Micron’s ViewPoint

Clinical Evaluation of Intelligence Decision Support Systems for Diagnosis Based on Medical Imaging: The Importance of the Reference Standards

– For the Social Implementation of Medical AI –